The value of Experience
What is ‘experience’ ? We are nothing less, nothing more than our experience. We are ourselves if we build our knowledge on the basis of what we have ‘witnessed’. What we have experienced is what we have recorded in our energy body through our senses like feeling, sight, smell etc. but it is not based on the experiences of others.
The concept of individuality is the most beautiful in acknowledging the world. This means that two people in a given place, in a certain situation, can have extremely different feelings about what has happened. For example, several people are in nature. However, these ‘experiences’ may be of an extremely different feeling. The home-bird will only think and worry when he will finally be able to go back home, while people sensitive to the beauty of the forest or meadows, will enjoy this moment as long as possible. This simple example also shows that ‘the point of view depends on the point of sitting’.
What is more, this shows that diversity enriches the beauty of this world, but on the other hand we need to bear in mind that unfortunately sometimes one person has the habit of persuading another to his own beliefs, way of thinking, values, etc.
Therefore, I would like to emphasize that the personal ‘experience’ of a particular man or woman is what shapes individuality indeed. It is very unique and at the same time the most powerful lesson which is recorded in the energy body (energetic memory).
Everyone has his or her point of view. Two people can ‘work at school’. The first one will be the director and the other will be the janitor. Theoretically, the place is the same, but how the experiences differ.
It is similar in everyday life. We say that ‘tastes’ are not to be discussed’. Please note how often when it comes to seeing someone’s work of art, suddenly some people like it, and others are even scared away. Well, something good for one person, could be at the same time disgusting for someone else.
The worst thing is when we do not have our own opinion or hide from it. Then we cannot express ourselves as true and our self-esteem is (internally) undervalued. Then we begin to have so-called ‘authorities’ to follow, without our own opinion nor deeper reflection.
We just repeat the slogans that do not result from our experience, but it’s lack. It is like quoting a formula from quantum physics or delving into the structure of atoms without knowing the basics of classical physics. Of course, you can, only experts on the subject will expose us immediately. This is likely to happen when we put on the ‘masks’. Whether it comes from a lack of self-esteem or from being lost, or maybe from not finding your way around the topic, thus it doesn’t matter … we’re just not ourselves any longer. That is when we can be very vulnerable to manipulation by energetically stronger entities.
How many of us every day repeats the content of religious invocations without understanding?
To experience, you first need to understand. To understand it, one has to desire it, be internally prepared, and also open to ‘new’. We experience our whole being, not partially.
In the Middle Ages, people quoted mindlessly the contents of church invocations spoken in Latin, having no idea what they were saying. They didn’t know with what force when using these words, they were connecting to. They were controlled, manipulated by the power of the word. Namely, each invocation or sophisticated phrase quoted, has its frequency, refers to something that is called egregor. The powerful energy record is suspended in the energy space which has a particular goal. For instance, to promote certain behaviours, a particular way of perceiving the world or group of people. We are controlled in the same way when we do not experience something but talk about something so lightly, superficially, without reflection.
When we discuss a topic, we should have some deeper idea about it. Otherwise, we will be unreliable. First of all, we should be credible to ourselves to experience the topic properly.
For me, such an example can be windsurfing. For several weeks I was learning, falling now and then from the desk into the water.
Finally, I swam with a dream ‘slide’ (those who swim know what’s al, about – feeling – ‘experience’, the beauty and speed with which we move over the water). It is often through trial and error that we come to our own experience in a given field.
‘Experience’ – moving towards, trying, ‘experimenting’ own learning… This is the essence of life, the state where you must taste delicious homemade ice cream to experience the full flavour…
This is what I wish you, only beautiful and joyful Experiences in the coming 2021.